ROBA seeks to see resilient communities that enjoy self-reliance, dignity, and preference.

Core Values
ROBA upholds the following core values
- Commitment and professionalism
- Equality and inclusion
- Team work
- Partnership
- Respect for diversity
- Transparency and mutual accountability
Areas of Focus
ROBA programs focus on the following areas
- Poverty Reduction through Community Economic Empowerment, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management
- Basic Education and Literacy
- Health and WASH
- Cross Cutting Issues: Climate Adaptation, Gender, Disability and Age Support
- Emergency and Rehabilitation
Strategic Approaches
ROBA uses the following strategic approaches
- Understand the local context: align with local laws, local priorities and community preferences
- Work with communities: Involve grass root leaders, secure community buy in as drivers of change, take facilitative role, build on local capacities and resources and aim at graduating beneficiaries to sustainability
- Proactive engagement: Involve continuous monitoring, evaluation and learning to share information with actors and stakeholders
Project Impact
ROBA has reached more than 200,000 households through implementing different projects in Shashamane, Kofele, Koree, Dodola and Adaba Woredas of West Arsi Zone, Oromia National Regional State, which still provides living testimonies of its successes in designing and implementing grass root projects that transform the lives and livelihoods of rural households.
Board Members
Executive Director
Mr. Hussein Watta
Board Chairman
Mr. Salihu Sultan
Deputy Board Chairman
Mr. Jayian Gishu
Board Secretary
Mr. Edao Tessa
Board Members
Mr. Adem Dheko
Mr. Ahmed Mohamed
Mr. Amano Guru
Mr. Bakali Kalaka
Mrs. Garibe Taffassa
Mr. Garoma Morka